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  • when we wake up to oneness we can celebrate separateness
    Tim Freke
  • "The evolution of humanity lies in its philosophical realization, which is a journey that requires dedication. It is a misconception that one can listen to philosophical teachings and instantly realize their actuality. Philosophical coaching demands a strong coach-student relationship, detached from mere concepts and emotional dependencies. Many individuals are eager to pay for a rapid transformation, which is reminiscent of a historical act of idol worship, but it is deceptive and unproductive. Genuine learning involves a down to earth and authentic letting go of limited assumptions about existence."
    James David
  • To move from the belief, I am something, to the understanding that I am nothing is a path of exclusion - I am not this, not this, not this. To move from the understanding that I am nothing to the all-embracing feeling-understanding that I am everything is a path of inclusion - I am this, I am this, I am…
    Rupert Spira
  • L'absolu, c'est le relatif à 100% !
    Isabelle Padovani
  • It's the recognition of your own being as unconditioned, primordial awareness that liberates you from dependency and endless seeking.
    Martyn Webber
  • The heart teaches in Stillness. Stillnes is your teacher. Everything will become apparent to you in this Stillness.
    OM C. Parkin
  • The seeker of Truth must desire Liberation more than anything else and should be animated by the absolute conviction that he or she is not an individual person but the Pure All-Pervading Consciousness.
    Swami Atmananda Udasin
  • Many of us have been told about the background I-AM, which I call the “male principle.” All the spiritual practices we have all been doing are concerned solely with strengthening this male principle I-AM. Practices like witnessing, abiding in the “I” or the Self, and actively raising the Kundalini up the spine, are all concerned with the male background I-AM.But there is another I-AM, a very important one. It has not been talked about, but presents itself again and again in our lives: The “Foreground I-AM”. That foreground I-AM is like Mother Kali who arrives with the noble motive of freeing us from our habitual tendencies (vasanas). But She then intensifies Her attack directly on anything we have latched onto, protected, or guarded. Ego is never really eliminated until Kali visits. Facing Her, the subtlest trace of ego that remains hidden in us is plucked out.
    Rajiv Kapur
  • Mystery is the only certainty. Beyond belief, beyond doubt. Mystery is not ignorance, nor is it naiveté. It is not confusion, nor is it ‘hedging one’s bets’. It is absolute groundedness, wonder, childlike simplicity. Mystery is indestructible. It is not knowing…. and in that, knowing everything you need to know.
    Jeff Foster
  • Nonduality is the seeing through the dream of apparent separateness.There are no separate individuals or objects.
    Mandi Solk
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