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  • Our bodies are the source of such pleasure and pain. They are the vehicle through which we experience life. We interact with the world through our senses. Memories are stored and recalled through our body. I walk past a bakery and I’m coming through the door after school to fresh cinnamon buns. A fragment of a Stevie Wonder song and I’m grooving around the kitchen with my son. A look from someone is interpreted a certain way, my shoulders clench and pain lodges in my heart center. Negative thoughts swirl through the mind and the body tightens. We quite naturally go looking for ways to avoid feeling pain and the strategies we use to go numb or protect ourselves add another layer of suffering.
    Lynn Fraser
  • 'Unividuals' are individuals who are conscious of being one with the universe
    Tim Freke
  • “When we realize that who we are is formless awareness we begin to lose the fear of death. When this formless awareness realizes it is also form we begin to lose the fear of life.” ~ Loch Kelly
    Loch Kelly
  • Live life inside-out, be what you want your world to be filled with, don't try to fill yourself with the world around you, it can never be big enough.
  • Because there is only Now, there is no time for a me to develop. So the I that I Am must have always been here, and consequently, always will.
  • "I am not the perishable body, but the eternal Self." Ramana Maharshi
    Kasia Jarosinska
  • Forget every memory that ever happened. Look at every moment as brand new… fresh now, right NOW.
    John Grenafege
  • Awakening is an incident, what happens by itself. No one can do it. The only thing to be done is to be always available for. To be available means to be aware. Experience of Self happens when there are no leaves on the tree. It happens when there are no clouds in the sky. It happens when there is no 'I'. Once liberation appears, happiness appears. Once happiness appears, silence appears. Once silence appears, love appears. Once love appears, Self appears. Once Self appears, God appears.
  • Existence is an inexplicable, vibrant, pulsing dance − an indefinable happening, simply happening. Do you live as that, or do you linger in conflicted fantasies of thought?
    Darryl Bailey
  • 'The stumbling, is the humbling...'
    Ananta Kranti
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