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  • Let us meet in that place of perfect stillness where stories, opinions and differences are put to one side, and the all embracing silence becomes the language we are both speaking.
    Paul Hurcomb
  • "Living from neutral, allows us to navigate life from a peaceful place, no longer creating drama out of duality" Lyn Whiteman
    Lyn Whiteman
  • Awareness, our true nature, is like the sun in the sky. The sun’s rays are the pathless path we travel back and forth between our original nature and its expression, thoughts, emotions and objects. Without encountering an object, the light of the sun wouldn’t be visible. It is only visible when it reflects back off an object. Manifest reality, the world around us, is the object, a mirror like-reality that reflects back the sun, allowing its light to be seen. Just as a reflection in the mirror, it may look very real, but it is only a reflection. Although it might look like there are two realities, the sun and the mirror, there is really only One.
    Enza Vita
  • What habits compromise THIS?
    Ananta Kranti
  • Awareness is prior to everything. It is that which sees all, from moment to moment. Everybody is it. That’s who WE ARE. Yet, we usually jump over this and do not notice that we are already aware of everything that is happening.
    Florian Schlosser
  • In evolutionary spirituality, we strive to awaken never for ourselves alone, but so that the world around us can become enlightened as a direct result of our own efforts.
    Andrew Cohen
  • EVERYTHING is an opportunity to go within to your Self.
    Rajiv Kapur
  • Uncaused joy In oneness, when there is a dissolution of the sense of subject and object, when there is no separation between this and that, a natural sense of compassion simply arises. There is a spontaneous response of warmth towards whatever is in the field of awareness. Whatever is appearing, rests back into the singularity from which it springs. In the uncaused joy, a spontaneous sense of compassion arises of its own. ~ Kalyani
    Kalyani Lawry
  • You are Life itself, and your only purpose is to awaken to the grandeur and radiance of your own being. Just this!
    John Greer
  • “Enlightenment is a paradoxical phenomenon. You need to be committed to become enlightenment, and to do whatever is necessary to make it happen. But at the same time you can not force enlightenment to happen by sheer will. It is like the situation with happiness: you can not force happiness to happen, but you can create the right circumstances for happiness to happen. You need to be willing to die, to let go of your limited sense of “I”, to achieve enlightenment. I can feel a deepening thirst to die, to dissolve into the silence, in my heart and being.” ― Swami Dhyan Giten
    Swami Dhyan Giten
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    Meeting Truth is an offering of the Heart; all work is carried out entirely without personal or corporate profit. Any donation you can contribute will go towards the continuous development and up-keep of Meeting Truth and is greatly appreciated; each donation truly makes a difference. Thank you for your support!

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We are creating a set of tutorials for using the Meeting Truth platform for nondualit and Advaita events, and will be adding to these over the comiong weeks; here are the first few:


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Creating Booking Forms on Meeting Truth

How To

We are creating a set of tutorials for using the Meeting Truth platform for nondualit and Advaita events, and will be adding to these over the comiong weeks; here are the first few:


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Creating Booking Forms on Meeting Truth

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