Meeting TruthSupporting the Nonduality community
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  • Process Payments online
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  • Create Reports on events
  • The beauty of this invitation is that nothing needs to be changed, fixed, or eliminated. It is a non-dualistic, non-judgmental enquiry into our present being. Everything happens through the agency of awareness.
    Isaac Shapiro
  • “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” ― Rumi
    Lyn Whiteman
  • "I express my creativity and practical sagacity through my philosophical, artistic, and scholarly works, all of which strive to express existence and its wonderments. At the heart of my teachings lies the insight that experience are  indivisible expressions of existence. However, the unexamined energies of routine and habit often control our thoughts, emotions, and actions, leading us to believe the false notion that we are disconnected individuals, separate from the external world and those around us. To challenge this misconception, I demonstrate that everything and everyone are expressions of existence with no inherent separation. This realization highlights the primary essence in which all things occur. Join me on a journey of captivating creativity, and experience the beauty and complexity of the human experience in a whole new way."
    James David
  • You have to overcome the fear of not knowing, to Know.
    Ananta Kranti
  • There is no you living life... life expresses itself as you.
    Emilia Hollander
  • My work is for passionately curious people who want to understand what life is
    Tim Freke
  • There is no separate entity that could be enlightened or unenlightened. There are only innumerable expressions of the One Being (which we call people, animals, forms), mirror-like facets, reflecting being-ness back to itself.
    Enza Vita
  • Take your stand at the root of your Being, then you can meet life wherever it's at with an open heart and from the Truth that you really know so well. It's been with you your entire life, the only constant.
    Jeannie McGillivray
  • You must get very quiet and slowly feel your way into this mysterious sense of existence, but be careful, you may fall in love with it. After all, it might be you.
  • "Living from neutral, allows us to navigate life from a peaceful place, no longer creating drama out of duality" Lyn Whiteman
    Lyn Whiteman
  • Donate to Meeting Truth

    Meeting Truth is an offering of the Heart; all work is carried out entirely without personal or corporate profit. Any donation you can contribute will go towards the continuous development and up-keep of Meeting Truth and is greatly appreciated; each donation truly makes a difference. Thank you for your support!

    Donate to Meeting Truth

commission and booking fees

Meeting Truth provides the facility for those who communicate a nondual message to use as the central application with which to provide, promote and manage their offering to the world.

Whether it's sharing in person at nonduality and Advaita meetings or retreats, through digital downloads or physical products, Meeting Truth can be harnessed to expose your offering to the central portal and also your website and other relevant nonduality websites by utilizing our suite of tools. This ensures that you do not need to invest in your own software development in order to be able to make full use of technology and to reach a wider audience.

The Meeting Truth platform therefore enables you fully utilize an intelligent service that doesn't involve any up-front financial investment, and by standing shoulder-to-shoulder with other teachers, facilitators, venues and organizations helps you to reach a far wider global audience for your material.

Each organiser of a nonduality event sets their own pricing for each event.
To help towards funding the site, we apply a small commission to organisers of 2.5% of the ticket price (plus VAT for UK organizers). When creating an event, you may elect to either absorb that commission into the ticket price, or add it on top.
We use PayPal to take payments, and all payment go directly to your PayPal account when a ticket is purchased, minus the 2.5% commission, we do not retain your 97.5% share of the sale for any time.
PayPal fees will apply to all transactions using PayPal.
Please ensure that your PayPal account is set up to receive the currency that you set your event to. For example, if you set your ticket prices in US Dollars, please ensure that your PayPal account is set up to receive US Dollars too.
For larger organisations who manage many events, we are also able to offer an alternative of payments directly to your bank account; do get in touch with us if you'd like to find out more.
For clarity, please understand that Meeting Truth acts as a third party facilitator for your ticket sales - it's you who are selling them, directly to your customers - we simply provide the software to help you do this.


commission and booking fees

Meeting Truth provides the facility for those who communicate a nondual message to use as the central application with which to provide, promote and manage their offering to the world.

Whether it's sharing in person at nonduality and Advaita meetings or retreats, through digital downloads or physical products, Meeting Truth can be harnessed to expose your offering to the central portal and also your website and other relevant nonduality websites by utilizing our suite of tools. This ensures that you do not need to invest in your own software development in order to be able to make full use of technology and to reach a wider audience.

The Meeting Truth platform therefore enables you fully utilize an intelligent service that doesn't involve any up-front financial investment, and by standing shoulder-to-shoulder with other teachers, facilitators, venues and organizations helps you to reach a far wider global audience for your material.

Each organiser of a nonduality event sets their own pricing for each event.
To help towards funding the site, we apply a small commission to organisers of 2.5% of the ticket price (plus VAT for UK organizers). When creating an event, you may elect to either absorb that commission into the ticket price, or add it on top.
We use PayPal to take payments, and all payment go directly to your PayPal account when a ticket is purchased, minus the 2.5% commission, we do not retain your 97.5% share of the sale for any time.
PayPal fees will apply to all transactions using PayPal.
Please ensure that your PayPal account is set up to receive the currency that you set your event to. For example, if you set your ticket prices in US Dollars, please ensure that your PayPal account is set up to receive US Dollars too.
For larger organisations who manage many events, we are also able to offer an alternative of payments directly to your bank account; do get in touch with us if you'd like to find out more.
For clarity, please understand that Meeting Truth acts as a third party facilitator for your ticket sales - it's you who are selling them, directly to your customers - we simply provide the software to help you do this.
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