Meeting TruthSupporting the Nonduality community

Online Event Booking

Meeting Truth enables those called to awakened living to explore the events of many contemporary Non-duality, Advaita Vedanta and Direct Path teachers around the world, and to directly book a place on an event.

Meeting Truth makes it easy to organise and advertise an event, book onto an event or invite a teacher to your venue.

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  • "Don't chase the light so hard that you lose your footing and uproot yourself. Wait for the sun to come round to you."x
    Steve Taylor
  • “Surrender to your non-surrender. Accept your non-acceptance. And just see what happens! You might be surprised where this will take you! “
    Francis Bennett
  • Where there was thought to be someone, it is revealed there is no one, and out of the heart of no one there is a personal falling in love with all of it. And that is the taste, the true nondual taste, because true love ends up devouring the dream and the dreamer.
  • Being Awareness be interested in Awareness alone and nothing else. Than you remain Aware as Awareness itself
    Alon Halel Geva
  • Thought does not tell us what we are seeing but rather what to see. We inherit our vision of reality along with the native language we learn.
    John Greer
  • Awareness is that which is reading these words right now, whatever “that” is. You know without a doubt that there is something reading these words right now, and awareness is precisely what that is. This has to be your true self. You are this awake intelligence that is aware of every idea, every emotion, and every event.
    Enza Vita
  • Don't identify with the problem, know that the identification is the problem.
    Rajiv Kapur
  • The lens of awakened consciousness has the capacity to narrow its focus down to a point, and becoming in the process, an ‘I’ thought, along with the experience of a separate sense of self. Consciousness also has the capacity to open its lens in ever wider increments in order to include more and more of itself, in this way knowing itself as the whole of existence. As consciousness narrows down its perception to a pin-point as it does with the ‘I’, it apparently has the capacity to have the experience of loosing itself there, in believing itself as truly separate; all the while, however, it is as wide as existence itself. Waking itself out of the dream of the ‘I’, once again, it knows itself as the whole, this time also while knowing itself as this separate ‘I’ sense. This is what is called resolving the paradox of duality. And embodiment is the process that ensues.
    Susanne Marie
  • Breathe. Be Still. Be Curious.
  • Humility is the mind melting into the heart.
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    Meeting Truth is an offering of the Heart; all work is carried out entirely without personal or corporate profit. Any donation you can contribute will go towards the continuous development and up-keep of Meeting Truth and is greatly appreciated; each donation truly makes a difference. Thank you for your support!

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Nonduality and Advaita meetings, satsangs and retreats

Online Event Booking

Meeting Truth enables those called to awakened living to explore the events of many contemporary Non-duality, Advaita Vedanta and Direct Path teachers around the world, and to directly book a place on an event.

Meeting Truth makes it easy to organise and advertise an event, book onto an event or invite a teacher to your venue.

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