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  • The realization of the "I am" is an advanced realization and many will stop here to enjoy living as the universal beingness. Only very few rare ones keep going past his lofty state and come to realize that even beingness is still a form of duality. This is sometime called the “The Great Death” or even "The Great Suicide" because to move past this stage, we need to give up the high identity as the universal "I am" and surrender to the final and terrifying realization that “there is nothing”. This “nothing” is not an absence but a “something” which is not a thing, pure awareness unaware of Itself. This is the only ultimate reality, the final step.
    Enza Vita
  • Our bodies are the source of such pleasure and pain. They are the vehicle through which we experience life. We interact with the world through our senses. Memories are stored and recalled through our body. I walk past a bakery and I’m coming through the door after school to fresh cinnamon buns. A fragment of a Stevie Wonder song and I’m grooving around the kitchen with my son. A look from someone is interpreted a certain way, my shoulders clench and pain lodges in my heart center. Negative thoughts swirl through the mind and the body tightens. We quite naturally go looking for ways to avoid feeling pain and the strategies we use to go numb or protect ourselves add another layer of suffering.
    Lynn Fraser
  • There is nothing wrong.
    Lynn Fraser
  • Simplicity The great joke is the simplicity of it all. ~ Peter
    Peter Lawry
  • Reference points arise spontaneously. They’re not your reference points so why take ownership? Thinking arises spontaneously in much the same manner as breathing does. While it’s much easier to recognise the automatic nature of the body functions, see clearly that the notion of a reference point, or ego is also just a spontaneous occurrence. If there is no investment in it or sense of ownership, then it can’t be a problem. ~ Kalyani
    Kalyani Lawry
  • You have to overcome the fear of not knowing, to Know.
    Ananta Kranti
  • Live life inside-out, be what you want your world to be filled with, don't try to fill yourself with the world around you, it can never be big enough.
  • Many of us have been told about the background I-AM, which I call the “male principle.” All the spiritual practices we have all been doing are concerned solely with strengthening this male principle I-AM. Practices like witnessing, abiding in the “I” or the Self, and actively raising the Kundalini up the spine, are all concerned with the male background I-AM.But there is another I-AM, a very important one. It has not been talked about, but presents itself again and again in our lives: The “Foreground I-AM”. That foreground I-AM is like Mother Kali who arrives with the noble motive of freeing us from our habitual tendencies (vasanas). But She then intensifies Her attack directly on anything we have latched onto, protected, or guarded. Ego is never really eliminated until Kali visits. Facing Her, the subtlest trace of ego that remains hidden in us is plucked out.
    Rajiv Kapur
  • Along with self-growth, sharing what we know, what has worked for us, and what may help others live, laugh and Love more, is the purpose of adversity.
  • The nature of all beings is to awaken to Love. Your life—as it is—is the catalyst for living awake. There is no other. Everything is you. You are the honey. Dip in. - prajna
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