Realization is simply seeing things as they are without the overlay of imagination. Before 'awakening' things are as they are, and after 'awakening', the same. Only you, as the mind, drops the veils hiding reality. When this 'remembering' happens, (as you see that it was always already there), all that got imagined over time as life being something separate from you, gets to be reexamined and brought back home to the heart. This happens naturally and mysteriously. Why not see things as they are, right now? What are you waiting for? This is life's invitation. And you are life.
Susanne MarieAbandon yourself by allowing love to flow freely, wildly, holding nothing back. As you open yourself up allowing the flow of life to move through you, as you, right there is everything that you ever wanted. The joy and bliss of Being itself. It is life right here, right now! No need to go looking for it. Just stop and pay attention to that which wants to birth itself in this moment as you, over and over again. Precious beyond belief. Beliefs are nothing compared to this that you are. Flowing outward, loving itself, touching itself, everywhere. It touches everything all the while it remains still and unchanging. It loses nothing by giving it's all.
Susanne MarieThere is nothing incongruous about feeling our feelings, touching our pain, and at the same time understanding the truth of the way things are. Pain is pain, grief is grief, loss is loss. By allowing ourselves to meet experiences as they arise within us, we accept them. This is a courageous and loving act. Suffering and karma (stored resistance to what is), occurs when we push away feeling and whatever is arising in the moment. Love yourself right now as you are! You are perfect love manifesting as all that is.
Susanne MarieThe sense of 'me' is a thin non-existent veil, that none the less feels real. It is the experience of you being you and not me. This is not a problem to be solved, you are not a problem to be solved. It is life's own intelligence at work: 'this mouth, not that'! Enjoy yourself and when you know that in truth that it is all One Self, and that separation is an experience, and not the truth of things, then we can all play together in this garden of flowers, each face, every being, lovely and original.
Susanne MarieThe lens of awakened consciousness has the capacity to narrow its focus down to a point, and becoming in the process, an ‘I’ thought, along with the experience of a separate sense of self. Consciousness also has the capacity to open its lens in ever wider increments in order to include more and more of itself, in this way knowing itself as the whole of existence. As consciousness narrows down its perception to a pin-point as it does with the ‘I’, it apparently has the capacity to have the experience of loosing itself there, in believing itself as truly separate; all the while, however, it is as wide as existence itself. Waking itself out of the dream of the ‘I’, once again, it knows itself as the whole, this time also while knowing itself as this separate ‘I’ sense. This is what is called resolving the paradox of duality. And embodiment is the process that ensues.
Susanne MarieThe construction of the false self has got to be seen through in order to know the truth of Being.
We do this by de-construction, stripping down to our bare essence.
All the while what we are remains untouched.
When we know ourselves as That, then this 'me' can be itself, innocent in it's persona, a sweet personal fragrance of That.
Susanne MarieWe can only long for what we know to be true, somewhere deep inside. The shift that happens when what we know to be true moves from the background (covered up by mind), to the foreground, reveals our birthright: that we are all of Life, and not separate from it. I call this remembering, as we remember what we are, in truth. We long for something already inherently known. Follow the longing back to its root, it is your home.
Susanne MarieAs time goes on, understanding about the incredible depths of how Oneness is really everything deepens. It is the confusion, it is the murderer, it is the sublime beauty of a rainbow, it is all imagination, and it is stillness, pure reality where everything arises, out of. It is the pain body, and the resolution within.
Susanne MarieWe place life outside of ourselves imagining that it is something to be managed, and having a spiritual life is another way of managing the uncontrollable nature of life.
Susanne MarieLove always returns for itself. Nothing is left behind, and when the return is done here, it continues to unite itself as others, because it is seen that there are no others.
Susanne MarieWe come with innocence, including the birth of the sense of ‘me’.
Susanne MarieWe are sensing instruments of consciousness.
Susanne MarieSilence is so palpable, it is capable of showing You to Yourself.
Susanne MarieLonging is a song consciousness sings to itself, in order to help it remember its way home. Trace the longing back to its source. It is a thin thread of truth extending its arm out to itself. Follow this thin thread backwards, retracing its journey from the known, back to the unknown, where it was birthed, where all things are birthed.
Susanne MarieThe addiction to experience has got to end in order to be free.
Susanne MarieAt some point, realizations come to an end, and there is just openness. You keep walking through an open door, extending outward, endlessly. The exploration feels like it is always just beginning, and yet, the self remains the same. Sameness is exploring itself. Newness within sameness. Deepening, ever deepening, within sameness. There is depth to explore, vistas to see, experiences to have. And it is all occurring within the self. The self discovering itself.
Susanne Marie