Meeting TruthSupporting the Nonduality community
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  • There's a tendency to look outward to the objects of perception for solutions to our suffering. Turn inwards to the heart of experiencing itself, let go into the unknown. There's nothing more eloquent, nothing more freeing than the direct experience of your own nature, prior to any assumptions, beliefs or conditioning – just this moment, as it is.
    Imogen Webber
  • Nobody has the power to allow this moment. The good news is that this moment is already allowed to be exactly as it is, whether ‘you’ like it or not. True freedom lies nowhere else but in the ‘suchness’ of this moment, the fragrance of the here and now.
    Jeff Foster
  • Perception doesn't define who we are. But it does define where we are limited, and where we are not yet free.
    Georgi & Bart
  • We place life outside of ourselves imagining that it is something to be managed, and having a spiritual life is another way of managing the uncontrollable nature of life.
    Susanne Marie
  • Our bodies are the source of such pleasure and pain. They are the vehicle through which we experience life. We interact with the world through our senses. Memories are stored and recalled through our body. I walk past a bakery and I’m coming through the door after school to fresh cinnamon buns. A fragment of a Stevie Wonder song and I’m grooving around the kitchen with my son. A look from someone is interpreted a certain way, my shoulders clench and pain lodges in my heart center. Negative thoughts swirl through the mind and the body tightens. We quite naturally go looking for ways to avoid feeling pain and the strategies we use to go numb or protect ourselves add another layer of suffering.
    Lynn Fraser
  • "We Are One Self, a unique breath of Life that lives in seven billion men and women that can live in a new world". Shakti Caterina Maggi
    Shakti Caterina Maggi
  • "Stop figuring out ‘why’ and follow the flow. It may be adventurous"
    Vera Helleman
  • Whatever you want to do is exactly what the Self wants to do as you.
    Eric Putkonen
  • The habit of always flowing out into thoughts, emotions and outer manifestation distract us from our natural self and the distractions seemingly cover this awareness. But all that it is happening is that attention has flown outward, chasing objects. In reality awareness has not gone anywhere. It is still the background, the perceiving of everything. Without awareness, you wouldn’t be aware of anything, including the distractions.
    Enza Vita
  • Reference points arise spontaneously. They’re not your reference points so why take ownership? Thinking arises spontaneously in much the same manner as breathing does. While it’s much easier to recognise the automatic nature of the body functions, see clearly that the notion of a reference point, or ego is also just a spontaneous occurrence. If there is no investment in it or sense of ownership, then it can’t be a problem. ~ Kalyani
    Kalyani Lawry
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    Meeting Truth is an offering of the Heart; all work is carried out entirely without personal or corporate profit. Any donation you can contribute will go towards the continuous development and up-keep of Meeting Truth and is greatly appreciated; each donation truly makes a difference. Thank you for your support!

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About Meeting Truth

Founded in January 2012, Meeting Truth supports those exploring the truth of being by connecting the nonduality and Advaita community around the world. Our ultimate purpose is to serve the awakening of nondual awareness in those called to awakened living, helping to grow the nondual community into a global movement.

We to work closely with partners in the field of consciousness, awakening and nonduality and, by utilizing an intelligent application of technology and sharing our expertise in this area and the tools that we create with the global nondual community, serve humanity.

We are committed to letting truth be our guide, the truth that looks out from everyone’s eyes, and sees only itself wherever it looks.

The Meeting Truth Platform

Meeting Truth provides the facility for those who help to communicate a nondual message to use as the central application with which to provide, promote and manage their offering to the world.

Whether it's sharing in person at nonduality events, through audio and video downloads or books and Cd's, Meeting Truth can be harnessed to expose your nondual offering to the central portal and also your website and other relevant nonduality websites by utilizing our suite of tools. This ensures that you do not need to invest in your own software development in order to be able to make full use of technology and to reach a wider audience.

The Meeting Truth platform therefore enables you fully utilize an intelligent service that doesn't involve any up-front financial investment, and by standing shoulder-to-shoulder with other nonduality teachers, facilitators, venues and organizations helps you to reach a far wider global audience for your material.

About Us

About Meeting Truth

Founded in January 2012, Meeting Truth supports those exploring the truth of being by connecting the nonduality and Advaita community around the world. Our ultimate purpose is to serve the awakening of nondual awareness in those called to awakened living, helping to grow the nondual community into a global movement.

We to work closely with partners in the field of consciousness, awakening and nonduality and, by utilizing an intelligent application of technology and sharing our expertise in this area and the tools that we create with the global nondual community, serve humanity.

We are committed to letting truth be our guide, the truth that looks out from everyone’s eyes, and sees only itself wherever it looks.

The Meeting Truth Platform

Meeting Truth provides the facility for those who help to communicate a nondual message to use as the central application with which to provide, promote and manage their offering to the world.

Whether it's sharing in person at nonduality events, through audio and video downloads or books and Cd's, Meeting Truth can be harnessed to expose your nondual offering to the central portal and also your website and other relevant nonduality websites by utilizing our suite of tools. This ensures that you do not need to invest in your own software development in order to be able to make full use of technology and to reach a wider audience.

The Meeting Truth platform therefore enables you fully utilize an intelligent service that doesn't involve any up-front financial investment, and by standing shoulder-to-shoulder with other nonduality teachers, facilitators, venues and organizations helps you to reach a far wider global audience for your material.

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