Rajiv Kapur
Membership in the ISIP Technique Sangha is not just a Sangha membership, but, much more importantly, a spiritual partnership with Rajivji.
"When we speak about the goal of any spiritual quest, or any spiritual search, we always define it in terms of old. That is, the goal is Self-Realization, or the goal is a God-Realization. But in actuality, the goal is Self-Abidance. If you know abidance in the Self, or abidance in I AM, you will automatically realize the Self. You will automatically realize God. But the problem is, abidance is not easy. The methods, techniques, and approaches used are neither effective nor potent enough to make long lasting abidance possible. It is for this reason that ISIP was developed, 'to make long lasting abidance possible'."
ISIP: The Implosive Self-Inquiry Protocol™ (ISIP), consists of the C-B-A series of practices and meditations, where C = Churning, B = Burning, and A = Affirming. All ISIP practices and mediations are designed and arranged in a specific, structured manner to help the practitioner reverse the prana (life-force) back into its Source. Each practitioner, from beginner to advanced, is provided with a clear, step-by-step method, helping him reach the desired goal of entering the Heart and realizing a Blissful state. And yet, at the same time, allowing him to remain fully engaged in the world. Perhaps the most profound and beautiful aspect of C-B-A is that it actually utilizes a seeker’s own vasanas (habitual, ingrained patterns and tendencies) to dissolve those very same patterns. ‘Limitations’ are easily transformed into ‘advantages’ through specifically-designed, IMPLOSIVE practices and meditations tailor-made to each practitioner’s specific requirements, at each particular stage of the journey.
Rajiv continually stresses the importance of understanding that each sadhaka (seeker) is unique in his own way. Hence, in his personal interaction with each student, Rajiv focuses on providing personalized practices and meditations to help him break through his own unique, and often challenging, inner barriers and obstacles.
RAJIV KAPUR BIOGRAPHY: Rajiv is a spiritual teacher who weaves together the key aspects of ancient Indian traditions such as Kriya Yoga, Advaita and Bhakti meditation, offering to the contemporary world a unique perspective of direct spiritual experience through practical tools. He is a powerful inspiration to many spiritual aspirants from around the globe, personally guiding them in their quest for freedom through his warmth, wisdom and loving attention.
Living in Mumbai, India, with his wife and two children, Rajiv is devoted not only to his immediate family, but also to his ‘larger family’ of innumerable students the world over. He balances his dual role of householder and spiritual guide with effortless ease, thereby serving as a living example of the paradox ‘to be in this world, yet, not of it’. He continues to demonstrate that through disciplined practice, commitment to inner growth, proper guidance and instruction, and a profound hunger for God (which is bound to attract grace), it is possible for anyone to attain Self-Realization.
In the early years of his training, thanks to his dauntless quest for the Self, Rajiv was initiated into Kriya Yoga under the personal guidance of his Guru, Sri Dubeyji, from the Panchanon lineage. He continued to evolve spiritually through his practice of Kriya Yoga for over 15 years, and he has maintained a refined version of this practice to this date. Indeed, this intense discipline was his constant companion throughout his inner journey of yore. Along the way, Rajiv met many Sages and Masters alike who provided him with instruction, insights and direction, as he regularly began to experience profound states of consciousness. He was irresistibly drawn to the teachings of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, as he embarked deeper on the journey of Self-Inquiry.
Eventually, as Rajiv continued to turn his gaze inwards, delving deeply into the subject 'I', he began to spontaneously experience deep samadhis of ever-expanding bliss. At first, these states were temporary, but eventually they became continuous and uninterrupted as they began to be ‘realized’. He soon became a living example of bliss, illustrating every individual’s natural and potential state of being, once one sees past the 'ego-I' illusion. Some of this deep journey of unraveling is illustrated through the transcribed dialogues and conversations in Rajiv’s first book, Autobiography of a Jnani.
Drawing on his many years of exploration and his direct experience with consciousness, Rajiv has developed a simple, direct, yet profound practice that he calls the Implosive Self-Inquiry Protocol™ (ISIP). This powerful system not only helps aspirants develop a life-changing discipline of formal meditation, but also helps them integrate that practice into daily life, establishing an ever-evolving relationship with all aspects of their spiritual path. Sri Ramana Maharshi and his teachings continue to be a profound inspiration and guiding light to Rajiv and to his growing, worldwide Sangha.
Rajiv connects with his students through his live and online Satsangs, retreats, articles, books and private sessions which are offered in Mumbai and other parts of India, as well as around the world. He offers a committed and intensive practice of instruction and personal guidance through his private online Satsangs for his online Sangha students.
All who meet with Rajiv, either in person or online, often feel a profound transmission of his love and devotion. His presence radiates an intoxicating bliss and a palpable sense of peace, offering aspirants a profound invitation into deeper consciousness within. Students find him very approachable, practical, and incisive (along with a wonderful sense of humour), inspiring confidence in novices and advanced seekers alike as he lovingly shares his beautiful expression of truth, wisdom and insight to all who seek a deeper spiritual connection.
Rajiv continues to devote his days to supporting and counseling his students through his many forums, both online and in-person, as well as writing articles, discourses, and books, while also taking care of his family and practical affairs. Performing all these duties in a spirit of humility, abundance and joy, he is a fountain of inspiration and love to all who are graced by his presence.
To begin learning ISIP today, you can download the free ISIP eBook at: http://isip-rajiv.weebly.com/books.html
To read more of Rajivji's writings go to: http://isip-rajiv.weebly.com/articles--discourses.html
To learn more about ISIP go to: http://isip-rajiv.weebly.com/what-is-isip.html
To learn about the ISIP Online Sangha and Sangha Membership go to: http://isip-rajiv.weebly.com/isip-membership.html