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  • Just because someone is enlightened, it doesn’t mean that whatever they happen to be thinking is the truth. Thoughts are thoughts and they are false whether in the enlightened or the unenlightened. Just because we are awake, it doesn’t mean we are never going to be tempted by certain thoughts, emotions, or feelings. Enlightened awareness is eternal and incorruptible. However, the vehicle is not.
    Enza Vita
  • In the lives of some, spontaneously, a deep feeling of desire to be whole, a burning to really understand life, stirs from within, and it is the Consciousness itself that produces this impulse to return to Source.
    John Grenafege
  • “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” ― Rumi
    Lyn Whiteman
  • Mystery is the only certainty. Beyond belief, beyond doubt. Mystery is not ignorance, nor is it naiveté. It is not confusion, nor is it ‘hedging one’s bets’. It is absolute groundedness, wonder, childlike simplicity. Mystery is indestructible. It is not knowing…. and in that, knowing everything you need to know.
    Jeff Foster
  • The "me" can not understand what "no me" means.
    Eric Putkonen
  • "There is nothing more fulfilling than being CONSCIOUS with no content. What a paradox."
    Florian Schlosser
  • Life is play.
    Eric Putkonen
  • "“Love is not an exclusive relationship with another person; love is the quality that arises when we are in contact with our inner being, with our authentic self, with the meditative quality within, with the inner silence and emptiness. This inner emptiness is experienced by others and is expressed on the outside as love. This love is not addressed to a specific person; it is a presence and quality that surrounds a person like a fragrance.” - Swami Dhyan Giten, from the book The Language of Silence: From Darkness to Light (available at
    Swami Dhyan Giten
  • Without thought, we would always be here and now. There would be no way to be anywhere else. We must come to understand the nature of thought. Why? Because thought happens.
  • This is a journey for very few because it requires everything. Yet it offers everything. Eventually you realize that this world cannot touch you anymore. It can't kick you around anymore because now you sit in the seat of truth. You sit in the heart of love. You've faced all there is to face. And now all you experience is love, not love in the absence of pain, not love in the absence of fear, not love in the absence of anything, but love through absolutely everything."
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