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  • You aren’t actually a someone, a person, who is conscious. Rather, you are the aware space of consciousness itself, within which all the “thought up” entities in your world appear. Out of all these imagined entities, you have simply made the mistake of thinking that one of them is you.
    Enza Vita
  • My work is for passionately curious people who want to understand what life is
    Tim Freke
  • Our thoughts, interests, intentions and actions appear here in the same way that the breath, the wind, the clouds, the trees, and the galaxies appear here—the turbulent, stormy, overcast weather is as integral to this happening as the calm, clear, sunny weather, and none of it is really a problem.
    Joan Tollifson
  • All we have is the sensory experience of this moment, NOW. This moment is only an experience to us. That’s all we have. The world, time, space, our own bodies and each other are all an experience to us.
    Isaac Shapiro
  • No One gets this There is no awakening, no attainment, no getting it, no seeing-through, nothing, no thing. It’s not that you get answers - when the questioner ends, there are simply no questions, no-thing. ~ Peter
    Peter Lawry
  • Being Awareness be interested in Awareness alone and nothing else. Than you remain Aware as Awareness itself
    Alon Halel Geva
  • This Ultimate Liberation in the Radiance is something quite different from the realizations of oneness and enlightenment which most people regard as the final spiritual goal.
  • When the realisation of Brahman flows through our individual consciousness we become alive and free
    Sri Ramana Devi
  • In recognizing the illusion of continuity, we have the opportunity to stop fearing death and to know the deeper reality that exists underneath and beyond death. We realize that we are not the one that is frightened. We are That which is witnessing fear. We are not the one who dies. We are the One that witnesses death.
    Enza Vita
  • Nothing really deep or meaningful happens in the “here and now”, or in the “present moment”, after a certain stage. What is often observed or experienced in the “present moment” is either a fight or flight response. The first is reacting to everything in a habitual manner and is typical of a worldly pattern, while the latter is escaping from everything in a habitual manner and is typical of a spiritual pattern. Real teachings are never immediate as they allow for unfolding and a gradual transformation of consciousness.
    Rajiv Kapur
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