Meeting TruthSupporting the Nonduality community
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  • Awareness has no position or opinion to defend - like the infinite ocean that contains all of life and judges none of it – while being the essential nature of all of it. You are This.
    David Ellzey
  • The mind is a butterfly. I am the sky.
  • God directed me to a version of myself that is free from bondage,free from pain and suffering
    Sri Ramana Devi
  • In falling into the abyss of the One Heart, the peace of our nature reveals itself, with each thread of personhood.
  • Without thought, we would always be here and now. There would be no way to be anywhere else. We must come to understand the nature of thought. Why? Because thought happens.
  • Love always returns for itself. Nothing is left behind, and when the return is done here, it continues to unite itself as others, because it is seen that there are no others.
    Susanne Marie
  • The experience has to pass… give yourself up to what you ARE.
    Ananta Kranti
  • "Mature and integrated spirituality IS not to project our light and darkness to anybody or anything in the outside anymore. Then we eventually can stand on our OWN feet, MEET on eye-level and LOOK for ourselves."
    Florian Schlosser
  • Whatever the negative appearance might be, it is always erroneous, because Being is always STILL and nothing happens.
    Mandi Solk
  • Humility is the mind melting into the heart.
  • Donate to Meeting Truth

    Meeting Truth is an offering of the Heart; all work is carried out entirely without personal or corporate profit. Any donation you can contribute will go towards the continuous development and up-keep of Meeting Truth and is greatly appreciated; each donation truly makes a difference. Thank you for your support!

    Donate to Meeting Truth


We have a Meeting Truth developer API for internal use, and we're considering whether others would benefit from our making it accessible to the public - please get in touch if that's something you'd like to use.

We also have a widget that you can use to display Meeting Truth events without any technical expertise required at all. Get in touch with us, and let us know that you'd like a widget, and we'll send you a small piece of code to paste onto your website, free of charge.

We'll style it for you so that it matches the look and feel of your site, and in a matter of minutes, your site will have a new events section that you don't need to maintain separately to Meeting Truth; update the event in our site, and it will automatically be updated on yours too.

Developer API


We have a Meeting Truth developer API for internal use, and we're considering whether others would benefit from our making it accessible to the public - please get in touch if that's something you'd like to use.

We also have a widget that you can use to display Meeting Truth events without any technical expertise required at all. Get in touch with us, and let us know that you'd like a widget, and we'll send you a small piece of code to paste onto your website, free of charge.

We'll style it for you so that it matches the look and feel of your site, and in a matter of minutes, your site will have a new events section that you don't need to maintain separately to Meeting Truth; update the event in our site, and it will automatically be updated on yours too.

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