Unmani is originally from the UK. Since she was a child, she has never identified with being a separate individual, and always felt deeply at one with life. But as her environment did not reflect this Oneness, she felt lost and alone, as if she had been dropped on an alien planet. Searching to find a way out of this pain, she spent years traveling around the world in search of the truth. Truth was always her only passion and reason for living. Eventually Unmani’s wake up call was answered when she met the Zen master, Dolano, a disciple of Papaji. Unmani finally woke up out of self-doubt and confusion, and acknowledged her true nature as that same Oneness that she had always known since she was a child.
In 2013 she met the love of her life, Robert, a passionate musician who composes songs based on Unmani's words. They now have a son called Sky. For Unmani, becoming a mother, continues to be an endless awakening to this very human life. Unmani has been holding meetings, retreats and online sessions all over the world for since 2003. People have been deeply touched by her work.
She likes to work with small groups and there she meets each person exactly where they are at, and in whatever they need at the time, while at the same time holding them in the truth of who they really are beyond it all. There is no denial of either personal or impersonal issues or aspects of who you are. It is about Awakening and the living of it.
Unmani does not play the ‘guru’ role. She is very down-to-earth and exposes her very real humanness as she shares about her own journey of waking up to the truth.
She points to the lived paradox of Life itself expressing itself as this individual person in the world. This combination, and paradox, of the personal and impersonal, brings much depth, openness and healing. Dialogues with her are a fundamental and intimate enquiry that cuts through all philosophies and belief systems. People wake up to who they really are, and discover how this is lived and integrated into their daily lives.
Unmani is the author of two books ‘I am Life itself’ and ‘Die to Love’ and is now writing a third book.
For which seekers?
For those who have been searching, practicing, waiting and hoping; for those who have had some or many glimpses of ‘getting it’ and then ‘losing it’; for those who have read many books and watched many videos; for those who have visited many teachers, but have become disillusioned by it all…: For the more mature seekers who are now ready for the simple truth, rather than having more beautiful spiritual experiences, Unmani offers longer intensive retreats. Her intensives are for those who want to come to the end of seeking and who have the courage to acknowledge the truth that you are, and can never lose. With Unmani there is no escape from the truth. In a, sometimes, confronting and provocative way, she supports your own self-discovery and insight into whatever is hidden. She encourages people to truly face their deepest fears, to no longer blindly buy into dreamy hopes, and to wake up to the reality of life.
‘In the past 30 years I have seen and heard many teachers who authentically testify of our true nature. Each teacher (or non teacher) has his own fragrance and color and expression. Some I like better than others and some teachers make a lasting impression. I noticed that popularity does not say much. Large numbers does not guarantee a good satsang while often the real gold is found in small living room-settings is.
Unmani is one of those gems that has not been discovered by the general public. Maybe because there is no hint of speciality around her. Unmani is so natural that one simply overlooks her. But those who have taken the trouble to visit her satsangs know better. Here is a teacher speaking from heart to heart, a teacher who is deeply connected and is constantly pointing to the wisdom within ourselves.
For me one of the best teachers I ever met.’