"Prajna has a common sense, down to earth direct approach to awakening. Her open-hearted embrace and encouragement welcomes your story or life situation as a doorway to an enlivened embodiment." - William Sebrans, lifecoach & radio host
I am a practical woman at core, a professional by training, a "wild girl" at heart, and a deep listener, drawing on a wealth of life experience as mother, therapist, seeker, dancer, traveler. I invite you, seeker and non-seeker, to live life fully as a grand experiment and exploration. I began this exploration under the guise of "Nancy" while potty training amidst a wild Irish family of ten.
I began teaching directly after 9/11 beckoning the call to sanity, and am unshakable in my resolve to ignite liberation for everyone who is called.
Prajna loves truth in all of its forms — the tragedies and comedies, our hopes and dreams, and the heartbreaks that open us and lead us back to love — where we are sustained by this great intelligence, larger than anything we can know. She can’t remember a time not being involved in the call to liberation.
Check out my video clips on her Youtube Channel: Prajna Living Awake; sign up for my newsletter at prajnalivingawake; invite me to your home town for Living Awake Meetings; upflift your moment at my Love Blog. I am happy to share with you the near completion of my new book: "The Universal Call to Love", a story of the rubber hitting the road - after awakening.
"The nature of all beings is to awaken to Love. Your life—as it is—is the catalyst for living awake. There is no other. Everything is you. You are the honey. Dip in."
FYI: My wonderfully strange journey:
Prior to the birth of my first child I spent ten years in formal Satsang integrating Ramana Maharshi’s teaching “You are the Self.” Up until that time I pursued a plethora of spiritual interests and antidotes for the underlying sensation of feeling lost amidst a panorama of confusion. The inquiry “who am I?” was very strong for me. I watched my identity shift and saw thought to be unreal — a passing sensation. The idea that Satsang is confined to a particular time, teacher, or sacred building did not sit well with me. I prayed to see and experience directly the totality of truth in all forms of expression. That’s about the time twins, smaller than my hands, came into our life by emergency C-section. Believe me, at first this did not seem like a tremendous blessing. Not until Adyashanti’s teaching came knocking at my door through a good friend. His clarity on The Mysteries of Christ, and that “spiritual awakening is just the beginning,” were music to my ears. In that moment my life was sanctioned to the dharma of Liberation without dogma, walls, or pretense. Marlies Cocheret, Isaac Shapiro, Mukti, and my dear children have offered light and wisdom through trials that seem to have carved out a new being. In 2001, right after 9/11 I was called to offer Satsang from the flavor of my direct experience. I didn’t plan to become so busy with this passion. After seven years of offering Satsang, Meetings, and Retreats on the east and west coast, the decision to return all of my time and energy to my family became clear. Now it is clear that both can happen and I am learning to live in the balance of being at home with my daughters that have tremendous needs, and attending to this call to Universal Love or Liberation. Offering Satsang, Meetings, and Love Teachings from my home feels like the most obvious way to do this. Thank you for joining me and my family in the totality of our Love. I hold deep respect and appreciation for the gift of silence amidst ordinary life, and for the breath of grace and wonder that each being brings to us.