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  • Realization is simply seeing things as they are without the overlay of imagination. Before 'awakening' things are as they are, and after 'awakening', the same. Only you, as the mind, drops the veils hiding reality. When this 'remembering' happens, (as you see that it was always already there), all that got imagined over time as life being something separate from you, gets to be reexamined and brought back home to the heart. This happens naturally and mysteriously. Why not see things as they are, right now? What are you waiting for? This is life's invitation. And you are life.
    Susanne Marie
  • "Mature and integrated spirituality IS not to project our light and darkness to anybody or anything in the outside anymore. Then we eventually can stand on our OWN feet, MEET on eye-level and LOOK for ourselves."
    Florian Schlosser
  • God is always ready, we are unprepared. God is closer to us than close, we are distant to him. God is inside, we're out. God is native to us, we are strangers. (Meister Eckhardt)
  • There are two approaches to realizing our true nature. The first is to discover the truth of who we are. The second is to discover what we are not. If we get rid of the false thoughts of who we think you are, the remainder is what we really are. And when we realize what we really are, all thoughts of who we thought we were drop away and we are free of the suffering of misidentification. These two approaches are actually the same thing, two ways of expressing the same idea. The famous Indian sage Sri Nisargadatta once said, “You can either push the cart or pull the cart. Both are fine as long as you keep the cart rolling!”
    Enza Vita
  • Live life inside-out, be what you want your world to be filled with, don't try to fill yourself with the world around you, it can never be big enough.
  • Existence is an inexplicable, vibrant, pulsing dance − an indefinable happening, simply happening. Do you live as that, or do you linger in conflicted fantasies of thought?
    Darryl Bailey
  • Experience a connection so deep you will remember it forever!
    Tim Freke
  • Let us meet in that place of perfect stillness where stories, opinions and differences are put to one side, and the all embracing silence becomes the language we are both speaking.
    Paul Hurcomb
  • HERE, not knowable as all encompassing, naked life-force is dancing as you. You are dance, energy and the unfathomable, silent primal ground.
  • To move from the belief, I am something, to the understanding that I am nothing is a path of exclusion - I am not this, not this, not this. To move from the understanding that I am nothing to the all-embracing feeling-understanding that I am everything is a path of inclusion - I am this, I am this, I am…
    Rupert Spira
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