Graham Whiteman
Graham really loves teaching and sharing, working with all sorts of people. Naturally very calm and relaxed, with a smile.
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Graham Whiteman
Graham works intuitively, with love and harmony at the centre of his professional understanding and way of life. “This method of relaxation bodywork, I believe to be very beneficial to anyone who is looking to enjoy life to the full”. Working for 12 years in Complementary Health, with an understanding of Mechanisms, body feedback and general energy flow, Graham works to return the clients body to a state of harmony, with free flowing energy and balance, a true state of bliss, so people can carry out their lives with clarity through a clear mind. Graham and Lyn studied Polarity Therapy in 2002 - 03, with Masterworks International, Indian Head Massage 2005, and Structural Body Alignment 2001 -2004, Access Bars 2012