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  • This is not known by the mind. This is known through the being of it, which is always already happening.
    Mike Jenkins
  • The mind acts like a prism, separating what is originally unbounded wholeness into the manifold aspects of existence.
    John Greer
  • "Mature and integrated spirituality IS not to project our light and darkness to anybody or anything in the outside anymore. Then we eventually can stand on our OWN feet, MEET on eye-level and LOOK for ourselves."
    Florian Schlosser
  • You have to overcome the fear of not knowing, to Know.
    Ananta Kranti
  • Seeing what is, as it is It is the I thought that is born; the actuality is we are birthless and deathless. There is no separation. There is no seer or seen, only seeing. There is no speaker, speaking simply happens, interactions happen. There is no doer yet activities seemingly happen. Our judgments and preferences colour the seeing, blinding us to the unfolding is-ness of the moment. Whatever is appearing is what is and is a manifestation of that energy which is pulsating and forming into the myriad of shapes and expressions. ~ Peter
    Peter Lawry
  • Awareness is that which is reading these words right now, whatever “that” is. You know without a doubt that there is something reading these words right now, and awareness is precisely what that is. This has to be your true self. You are this awake intelligence that is aware of every idea, every emotion, and every event.
    Enza Vita
  • If you love, love, you must love fear. If you fear, fear, you will fear love.–Sri VedaVaani
    Sri VedaVaani
  • In falling into the abyss of the One Heart, the peace of our nature reveals itself, with each thread of personhood.
  • Kiran completely changed what I believed was possible in this life. No part of life is left in the shadows with her work. If you want real truth and freedom, delivered in the form of a badass, funny, and totally down-to-earth woman, I recommend Kiran to you with everything I’ve got.
    Kiran Trace
  • If it is not here NOW, it is not eternal.
    Ananta Kranti
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