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  • At the level of absolute truth, you are already enlightened, free, and complete. At the level of relative truth, you experience suffering because you haven’t yet realized this. Both truths apply. They are inseparable, two sides of one coin, and the goal is not to pick one or the other but to embrace both.
    Enza Vita
  • "If you want to get rid of discomfort, or if you wait for a solution to come, you become the observer. In this there is a subtle doing involved that reinforces the sense of I. Rest as awareness with nothing added or taken away. Observing is not resting as awareness. Only when you are not self-conscious, resting as awareness happens naturally."
    Florian Schlosser
  • When the realisation of Brahman flows through our individual consciousness we become alive and free
    Sri Ramana Devi
  • This ever present Grace supports me in each moment now.
    Kenny Johnson
  • You are Life itself, and your only purpose is to awaken to the grandeur and radiance of your own being. Just this!
    John Greer
  • God directed me to a version of myself that is free from bondage,free from pain and suffering
    Sri Ramana Devi
  • God is always ready, we are unprepared. God is closer to us than close, we are distant to him. God is inside, we're out. God is native to us, we are strangers. (Meister Eckhardt)
  • We are the same. The only difference between you and me lies in the ever-changing perceived, not the never-changing perceiver. That perceiver is only One. The One that experiences itself as your body-mind is the same One that experiences itself in every other body-mind, form, or appearance that exists.
    Enza Vita
  • This is a journey for very few because it requires everything. Yet it offers everything. Eventually you realize that this world cannot touch you anymore. It can't kick you around anymore because now you sit in the seat of truth. You sit in the heart of love. You've faced all there is to face. And now all you experience is love, not love in the absence of pain, not love in the absence of fear, not love in the absence of anything, but love through absolutely everything."
  • Awakening has nothing to do with anything that happens. It is timeless. No one is enlightened as enlightenment is the dissolution of the person or ego-identification.
    Swami Atmananda Udasin
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