Stuart Schwartz
Stuart’s presence invites those who meet him openheartedly to the Self recognition that they too are this same infinite, unconditional, and eternal Self. This unchanging, radiant aware knowing.
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Stuart Schwartz
Stuart’s great gift is his ability to compassionately point out when we are caught in the mind-made entity we have always called “I” or “me,” and to remind us of the Silence that exists prior to any problem, and which is already completely whole and perfect.
His simple invitation to Be Still and Know Who You Are halts the mind’s perpetual dissatisfaction with reality, and in the stillness that results one experiences the peace that exists prior to the mind and its problems.
In satsang and in sessions Stuart meets people with immense tenderness, compassion, and understanding, no matter what is going on in their lives.
The heart of awareness shines through his being and his words so clearly that one immediately finds oneself falling in love with the Silence that is one’s true nature.
From this Silence it is abundantly clear that there can be no problem, and that in the words of Stuart’s teacher Robert Adams, “All is well, all is well, all is perfectly well.”