Amoda Maa
Amoda offers a gentle yet radical pointer back home to where all seeking ends and authentic living begins. Her invitation is into a conversation that is fresh, intimate, passionate and graceful.
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Amoda Maa
So many of us spend a lifetime seeking love, happiness and power, whether this be through relationship, wealth, status, or even spirituality; but none of this gives us what we're really looking for. At the core of this seeking is the desire to be free of suffering. Once we recognize this, we can open to the possibility of true fulfilment. By gathering to meet in the direct experience of what is here beyond the stories of what we think we want and need, we have the potential to awaken to the freedom that is inherently ours. This meeting place is a SATSANG .. a surrender into and an inquiry into the truth of authentic freedom. It is a place in which we are invited to embrace the fullness of life, to say YES to the totality of our experience, and to meet reality with ruthless compassion.
My invitation is into a conversation that is fresh, intimate and authentic. We meet in that tender place of naked presence to investigate what is truly here beneath and beyond all stories. I invite you to meet yourself in unwavering acceptance and for love to meet itself in awakened awareness. I offer a pointer back home to where love truly is. If you are willing to give yourself to this love unconditionally, you will find that which is truly alive and free. Everything that arises in your mind that obscures this radiant truth is revealed as the habitual mechanism of ego that prevents you from knowing yourself as you are. To see this mechanism playing itself out is the beginning of awakening.
What I offer is free of any tradition, dogma or ideology. Although I have tried out many spiritual paths and methods over the years, what I offer in these meetings has arisen out of my direct experience of awakening and the subsequent integration, embodiment and expression of this awakening. It has taken many years for this awakening to truly flower and release its fragrance into the world. It is only when I dropped all persona agenda around what my work should look like, that the struggle of "being in the world" dissolved and a new tender authenticity has emerged. The more I rest in my innermost being, the more my work has a life of its own that surprises me in its direction. I did not set out to offer Satsang: but this is what is happening. The body and the personality I call "me" are in service to the innocence and purity of that which is true and real. In dying to everything that is "my story", nothing is denied and all is embraced within the truth of silence. Silence is the bedrock of life, the refuge of the soul, and the meeting place of hearts. I invite you into this silence so that you may be free to know the truth of who you are.