Pedro Brañas
We all strive for happiness, love, meaning, peace…The word “spirituality” points to this fact. Truth makes us free and spirituality is the experience of this freedom. The experience of that which is real, of our true nature, which on being discovered reveals itself as divine. This experience, “non-duality” or “a-dvaita”, underlies all the great spiritual traditions.
Our separate I is a false idea that requires a permanent effort and lies at the source of all our problems. When we surrender this idea, we come to rest, we discover truth and freedom. We enter in our heart…
The recognition of this truth is instantaneous and followed by a gradual process of realignment of our body-mind till it becomes a faithful instrument for the celebration of truth.
This false I, this false idea that we are separated, has mental and bodily components. The belief to be separated (mental) is associated to a specific pattern of (bodily) sensations that give it its sense of reality.
Due to our identification with this false I, any effort to get rid of this idea usually only makes it stronger. What, paradoxically, we try to do in our meetings in not-to-do. We enjoy “free time” in its truest sense, we rest. Here we are free from the permanent effort that this idea requires, we share our being so that we get attuned to it. Within this secure atmosphere this allegedly separate I is investigated both at the level of mind and body, so it can be clearly seen for what it is, a mere belief without basis.
Usually the recognition of our true nature, requires the presence of a teacher. In 2001 I met my teacher: Francis Lucille; a disciple of Jean Klein in the Advaita Vedanta tradition. In his presence I realized the truth that, unconsciously, I had been looking for all my life. I came back home.
Since then I continued visiting him and exploring this truth from different perspectives. Now I share it with whoever is interested.