Heinz Meisnitzer
Since 2001, I have used The Work in my life and I am happy to pass on this experience. I offer individual facilitation seminars and training. The Work is not therapy or counseling. It is about your ow
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Heinz Meisnitzer
I got to know The Work in 2001 through my wife Anyma. Her enthusiasm also spread to me. Since I use The Work in daily practice, my quality of life has improved radically.
The distinction between my business and that of others has helped me enormously – in my work as an artist, sculptor and owner of a small company for stone restoration, and also in my marriage and in the relationships with other people. One of the many outcomes of the daily practice with The Work for me is that I allow myself more and more to be me and to feel sincere love towards myself and other human beings.
The power of The Work became especially visible for me as Anyma was given the diagnosis of lung cancer a few years ago, and I had the privilege to accompany her during the last few months of her life. During this process it became obvious to me that my mind had already experienced so much education through the four questions of The Work that I could meet the decay of her body and her suffering with an open heart, without refusing any of it or wanting to change anything. For me this was an experience of total submission. This occurrence has changed me very much and I am very grateful that the four question of The Work has found their way into my life.
Since 2001, I have used The Work in my life and I am happy to pass on this experience. I offer individual facilitation seminars and training. The Work is not therapy or counseling. It is about your own answers and it is your truth that counts. You decide how far the process should go.
I myself have worked intensively with the following themes: work, money, relationship, spirituality, sexuality, abuse, creativity, illness, and death. I also have walked the way of Zen meditation for ten years, have experience in different types of breath and bodywork, and have led male groups for several years.