B Prior Foundation
B (Bernie Prior) is a contemporary Master whose life is utterly devoted to the awakening of humanity.
He offers a profound Teaching of Truth and of Love crossing the range of human and universal experience. Uniquely, he speaks of the divine nature of the Masculine and Feminine Principles and the potential for that divinity to be lived between man and woman. This ordinary and humble man is accessible yet uncompromising where truth is concerned, living fully from the depth of his extraordinary realizations in this life.
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B Prior Foundation
With compassion, great humour and profound honesty, B invites every individual to their highest vision and deepest knowing, and the actualisation of that in their life now.
Through his embodiment of realised consciousness and his realisation of the Masculine and Feminine principles, B brings an integral evolutionary context to the experience of all human life.
"This is a cosmic yet practical teaching – It is a teaching that will take humanity into a whole new domain of higher potentials and expressions – beyond all conditionings and limitations, to manifest authentically real forms in all areas of life."