Holistic Awakening: Threefold Enlightening Foundation
Holistic Awakening is realizing one single infinite reality as boundless Love Awareness Being: the threefold enlightenment at the core of many traditions. It is true universal spirituality - non-sectarian, non-exclusive and non-divisive. It is free of dogmas of all forms and realizes the real oneness of all without feeling superior or distant to any on the intellectual or any other level. So it is not just an intellectual nonduality, but a living nonduality.
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Holistic Awakening: Threefold Enlightening Foundation
People may think, why is there three when this is meant to be about nonduality.
The answer is simple. Everythig is one, one reality, manifesting distinctly. Yes, Awareness is Love is Being. Yet why do we have three different words and meanings for these? Because life happens that way. And we have to realize all three in order to be able to realize the fullness of the One.
Otherwise, our realization is only partial. Realizing boundless Awareness without boundless Love? Why did Jesus, Buddha and others go on about Love as they did, if it's only about Awareness? They did because eventually realization without Love is like a hollow noisy clanging sound, empty of beauty, joy or purpose.
Love & Being have to be realized in Oneness too. Otherwise we are plagued by the dualistic experience of anger, resentment, grief, jealousy and so on. Some say these emotions can also be part of realized life. If so, are we prepared to also say that the actions these emotions can lead to, such as murder, war and rape, can also be part of enlightened life? How far does it go?
And if we truly accpet everything as it is, then there would not be anything we would get angry or resentful about in the frst place now, would there? Is not that the "deepest acceptance"? In the deepst acceptance, all emotions of ego vanish. That is Holistic Awakening of mind, heart and body. Whole, balanced and truly nondual.