(BNWI Busness Networkng Wthout the I)
This is a networking group based on basic nondual understanding. When we are supporting "others" we are
away from self-thought and less apt to get caught in separation. This is a great tool for a gentle intro to
nonduality for good-hearted business folk. Thee's a basic paradigm to start this if you find yourself called
to connect with local folk who have good hearts and carry their beleifs lightly. If you have been in the
largest business networking group- BNI- you will find the structure of this dance bending to the reality of
what is, yet a practical way to connect with other local biz people.
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(BNWI Busness Networkng Wthout the I)
IThe template is that we meet twice a month evenings about 5:30 to 7. There are three parts of the program:Intro (much humor and music) ,talking about biz people we know and respect and passing out their cards and open networking.
1-Intro: Discussion of the benefits of minimizing self-thought and self-talk by using humor and songs (I'll be happy
to share specifics if you would like to start a local group, fellow heart dwellers!)
2- Formal part of meeting:We talk about individual biz people we admire and pass out their biz cards- no self talk! <G>
3- Open networking
To make it fun, anyone who utters the word "I" during the formal part of the meeting has to fork over a dollar,
to be used for a future group activity. I'd love to talk to anyone who would like to do this in her/his local area!