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  • There is no other time when it will be more right to know the truth of your own Beingness.
    John Grenafege
  • An increasing number of us are awakening to a profound sense of oneness with everyone and everything
    Tim Freke
  • Who you are is prior to thoughts hold the attention on that which never moves and remain as such
    Alon Halel Geva
  • Here moment to moment. Feeling the flow of life and moving as it. Trusting, not knowing, no names, no ideas, just life. Nothing as a stage to something else. Just here now and constantly surprised.
  • Awakening is an incident, what happens by itself. No one can do it. The only thing to be done is to be always available for. To be available means to be aware. Experience of Self happens when there are no leaves on the tree. It happens when there are no clouds in the sky. It happens when there is no 'I'. Once liberation appears, happiness appears. Once happiness appears, silence appears. Once silence appears, love appears. Once love appears, Self appears. Once Self appears, God appears.
  • There is no such thing as ancient because there is no past or future, there’s just this no-time now that everything is flashing in.
    John Grenafege
  • Separation is only a thought.
    Eric Putkonen
  • Be courageous, and surrender to the unspeakable mystery that you are. Give yourself to this sublime Love, that is silently abiding in the depth of your heart.
  • The sense of 'me' is a thin non-existent veil, that none the less feels real. It is the experience of you being you and not me. This is not a problem to be solved, you are not a problem to be solved. It is life's own intelligence at work: 'this mouth, not that'! Enjoy yourself and when you know that in truth that it is all One Self, and that separation is an experience, and not the truth of things, then we can all play together in this garden of flowers, each face, every being, lovely and original.
    Susanne Marie
  • All we have is the sensory experience of this moment, NOW. This moment is only an experience to us. That’s all we have. The world, time, space, our own bodies and each other are all an experience to us.
    Isaac Shapiro
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