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  • "I am not the perishable body, but the eternal Self." Ramana Maharshi
    Kasia Jarosinska
  • In truth, there is no life outside of this moment.
    Leonard Jacobson
  • "You begin to recognize Love infuses everything. Your own heart is the wind, it is the trees, it is the earth. It is even in the conflicts which arise, in the pain that comes up. It is the storm, it is the open sky, it is totality. It excludes nothing and embraces everything. And in this embrace there is but one taste and that is the taste of Love."
  • Be courageous, and surrender to the unspeakable mystery that you are. Give yourself to this sublime Love, that is silently abiding in the depth of your heart.
  • Unconditional love is so unconditional that it even embraces our failure to love unconditionally.
    Jeff Foster
  • EVERYTHING is an opportunity to go within to your Self.
    Rajiv Kapur
  • Live life inside-out, be what you want your world to be filled with, don't try to fill yourself with the world around you, it can never be big enough.
  • 3 questions pour se rendre la vie belle : Qu'est-ce qui est ? Qu'est-ce que je veux ? Qu'est-ce que je fais ?
    Isabelle Padovani
  • The love to explore yourself is the force that brings you home
    Pratibha & Kareem Krüger
  • Human life is Divine, not only in terms of its potentiality, but because it is a perfect manifestation of all divine impulses of nature, reflected throughout our human physiology as the universe incarnate…
    Igor Kufayev
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