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  • There is no separate entity that could be enlightened or unenlightened. There are only innumerable expressions of the One Being (which we call people, animals, forms), mirror-like facets, reflecting being-ness back to itself.
    Enza Vita
  • There is no escape of life - You are Life! You can not be in life like you can not get out of life. There is no you and life - You are Life. Seeing that - is freedom.
    Pratibha & Kareem Krüger
  • First, own the fears which have owned you, second – disown them.
  • “When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.” ― Rumi
    Lyn Whiteman
  • With Awareness hold on to Awareness itself
    Alon Halel Geva
  • The true purpose of meditation is to awaken us to the truth of who we really are - The original, beautiful, flowering awareness which is life itself, and from where we can live our daily lives authentically and with grace.
    John Siddique
  • Do not try to hold on to any state — EVER!
    Ananta Kranti
  • "Every moment all cards are being reshuffled again"
    Vera Helleman
  • Reference points arise spontaneously. They’re not your reference points so why take ownership? Thinking arises spontaneously in much the same manner as breathing does. While it’s much easier to recognise the automatic nature of the body functions, see clearly that the notion of a reference point, or ego is also just a spontaneous occurrence. If there is no investment in it or sense of ownership, then it can’t be a problem. ~ Kalyani
    Kalyani Lawry
  • Be courageous, and surrender to the unspeakable mystery that you are. Give yourself to this sublime Love, that is silently abiding in the depth of your heart.
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    Meeting Truth is an offering of the Heart; all work is carried out entirely without personal or corporate profit. Any donation you can contribute will go towards the continuous development and up-keep of Meeting Truth and is greatly appreciated; each donation truly makes a difference. Thank you for your support!

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