Meeting TruthSupporting the Nonduality community
  • You are not at the mercy of the swirl of circumstance that is your life. The looking helps you reclaim your life, discover the power you have, and fear not what you cannot do. There is much more to a good life than the absence of pain.
    John Sherman
  • The simple act of inward looking that we offer can bring about the reconciliation of each individual human mind with natural life, and it has the potential to bring about the reconciliation of the entire human species with itself.
    John Sherman
  • There is a fundamental difference in outlook and approach between what we offer and what you have been mostly told you need in the realm of spiritual aspiration. The fundamental difference is that what we offer is a simple act that makes everybody capable of finding what's true from themselves. We don't tell you what's true about the nature of reality, about the nature of existence, about what how you should be and what your real being is. We offer you a simple act that will make you self-reliant and able to investigate and explore for yourself what's true, what's real.
    John Sherman
  • The fear of life is the cause of all our anti-social, self-destructive, neurotic habits of behavior and relationship with one another, and with the earth itself. We have found that a simple act that we call looking at yourself washes away the fear of life and heals the mind of anyone who will try it just once.
    John Sherman
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