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  • The heart teaches in Stillness. Stillnes is your teacher. Everything will become apparent to you in this Stillness.
    OM C. Parkin
  • We place life outside of ourselves imagining that it is something to be managed, and having a spiritual life is another way of managing the uncontrollable nature of life.
    Susanne Marie
  • Awakening has nothing to do with you. It is totally unpersonal,.
    Emilia Hollander
  • Thought does not tell us what we are seeing but rather what to see. We inherit our vision of reality along with the native language we learn.
    John Greer
  • There is a fundamental difference in outlook and approach between what we offer and what you have been mostly told you need in the realm of spiritual aspiration. The fundamental difference is that what we offer is a simple act that makes everybody capable of finding what's true from themselves. We don't tell you what's true about the nature of reality, about the nature of existence, about what how you should be and what your real being is. We offer you a simple act that will make you self-reliant and able to investigate and explore for yourself what's true, what's real.
    John Sherman
  • Even in the darkest of days, there is good to be found. For God is good, and God is everywhere.
    Rev. Sam J. Shelley
  • The beauty of this invitation is that nothing needs to be changed, fixed, or eliminated. It is a non-dualistic, non-judgmental enquiry into our present being. Everything happens through the agency of awareness.
    Isaac Shapiro
  • Our thoughts, interests, intentions and actions appear here in the same way that the breath, the wind, the clouds, the trees, and the galaxies appear here—the turbulent, stormy, overcast weather is as integral to this happening as the calm, clear, sunny weather, and none of it is really a problem.
    Joan Tollifson
  • "There is no realization without honesty. Never fool yourself. When you do not accept yourself the way you are. When honestly you do not recognize the place where you are. When you prefer to identify with phrases learned. When you repeat words that do not come out of your heart. When you hide behind concepts that have nothing to do with your reality. When for you it is more important to pretend than to be. You are trying to free a puppet, a creation of your mind that will never be real. Accept yourself honestly, love yourself as you are, with humility, without fear. It's the only way."
    Luis de Santiago
  • You must get very quiet and slowly feel your way into this mysterious sense of existence, but be careful, you may fall in love with it. After all, it might be you.
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