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  • Silence is so palpable, it is capable of showing You to Yourself.
    Susanne Marie
  • "Once you know the sky to be blue, there is no way to believe it to be different. No matter how hard someone tries to convince you, you know the sky is blue."
    Julia Schlosser
  • "At ease with what is".
    Brian Theriault
  • Reference points arise spontaneously. They’re not your reference points so why take ownership? Thinking arises spontaneously in much the same manner as breathing does. While it’s much easier to recognise the automatic nature of the body functions, see clearly that the notion of a reference point, or ego is also just a spontaneous occurrence. If there is no investment in it or sense of ownership, then it can’t be a problem. ~ Kalyani
    Kalyani Lawry
  • Satsang is not about being guru and student, it is about the simple wonder of coming into the beauty and joy of meeting each other in truth.
    John Siddique
  • Awakening is an incident, what happens by itself. No one can do it. The only thing to be done is to be always available for. To be available means to be aware. Experience of Self happens when there are no leaves on the tree. It happens when there are no clouds in the sky. It happens when there is no 'I'. Once liberation appears, happiness appears. Once happiness appears, silence appears. Once silence appears, love appears. Once love appears, Self appears. Once Self appears, God appears.
  • Don't be afraid to be intimate with your gnawing aloneness - it is in deep intimacy with aloneness that the heart is broken open and the impossibility of being alone is realised.
    Jeannie McGillivray
  • The self is not an object. The self is a pointer
  • "Every moment all cards are being reshuffled again"
    Vera Helleman
  • Mind and its fleeting ‘isness’ and reality, are only when the words appear and are accepted as truth belonging to someone.
    John Grenafege
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