Meeting TruthSupporting the Nonduality community

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Therapy Center Lausanne
rez supérieur Avenue du Mont d'Or 23,

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Event Information

Theme: The Power of Now

The power of now has nothing to do with time or trying to be in the now. It is more accurately described as the power of presence—the infinite power of your being. Satsang is the living power of now that supports the direct discovery of this endless power within you and all around you—the lasting bliss of your being.

Satsang is infused with the unconditional love, wisdom, and omniscience of divine consciousness, which generates a palpable energy that ends suffering in your every day life. The more you attend satsang the more you burn through the conscious, unconscious, and karmic tendencies that keep fear, anxiety, anger, sadness and many other forms of suffering occurring over and over again in your life. Once these tendencies fall away you can be indescribably happy in any life situation.

Requested Donation 20CHF. Everyone is Welcome!

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