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  • Where there was thought to be someone, it is revealed there is no one, and out of the heart of no one there is a personal falling in love with all of it. And that is the taste, the true nondual taste, because true love ends up devouring the dream and the dreamer.
  • The practice of presence is an opening, a relaxing of your focus (while maintaining alertness) and letting everything come to you, instead of you chasing after something (even though the reality is that awareness doesn’t “come” to us because we already are that). The words “relaxing into it while maintaining alertness” seem to point to a mind-made effort, but what I’m talking about is to leave the mind as it is, without giving it anything to do.
    Enza Vita
  • There are no awakened people. There is only boundless being, ever-present and ever-changing -- unavoidable and impossible to not be. There is nothing that is not the Truth.
    Joan Tollifson
  • I see myself as a catalysts, showing you what you arelady know but deny to yourself.
    Elio Marin
  • The experience has to pass… give yourself up to what you ARE.
    Ananta Kranti
  • “The sages of all times say that to realize the truth we need to return to the innocence of a child! Do you really believe that to become childlike is necessary to study super complex subjects for years in a row?”
  • "Once you know the sky to be blue, there is no way to believe it to be different. No matter how hard someone tries to convince you, you know the sky is blue."
    Julia Schlosser
  • Thought itself reinforces the illusory "me" because most thought is self-centered and/or self-reflective.
    Eric Putkonen
  • Awareness is the source of Happiness
    Alon Halel Geva
  • The end of all spiritual experiences is simply to be.
    Nick Roach
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