Meeting TruthSupporting the Nonduality community
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  • “If you were to drop into the Infinite, you would drop beyond your name, your form, your self, your person. Where you would land, You as Consciousness, is in the Consciousness of where You Are already One, knowing the Fullness You already Are.”
    B Prior
  • Beauty is the quiver within the heart of Consciousness. The throb of your own Awareness. The wave that comes out of your heart as perception Itself ‒ the throb of Shiva to behold its own magnificence…
    Igor Kufayev
  • Even in the darkest of days, there is good to be found. For God is good, and God is everywhere.
    Rev. Sam J. Shelley
  • The fear of life is the cause of all our anti-social, self-destructive, neurotic habits of behavior and relationship with one another, and with the earth itself. We have found that a simple act that we call looking at yourself washes away the fear of life and heals the mind of anyone who will try it just once.
    John Sherman
  • There is no room for denial in the kingdom of Truth
  • This unquestioning nature is before each idea, before any imprinting, before any notion of love and unity.
  • Our thoughts, interests, intentions and actions appear here in the same way that the breath, the wind, the clouds, the trees, and the galaxies appear here—the turbulent, stormy, overcast weather is as integral to this happening as the calm, clear, sunny weather, and none of it is really a problem.
    Joan Tollifson
  • Thought itself reinforces the illusory "me" because most thought is self-centered and/or self-reflective.
    Eric Putkonen
  • Awakening, or enlightenment, is what happens when we realize that what we are looking for is what we already are, the actual awareness perceiving everything right now. Anything other than that is just a concept. You don’t have to see fireworks or have lightning shooting out of your eyes. There will be no special audience with God, and you will not be lifted into the sky by hosts of angels. It will be just you, the same as before. I’m sorry to fizzle out all your mind’s projections of what will happen when this special state visits you, but this is just the plain truth. You are already what you are seeking.
    Enza Vita
  • Thought does not tell us what we are seeing but rather what to see. We inherit our vision of reality along with the native language we learn.
    John Greer
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    Meeting Truth is an offering of the Heart; all work is carried out entirely without personal or corporate profit. Any donation you can contribute will go towards the continuous development and up-keep of Meeting Truth and is greatly appreciated; each donation truly makes a difference. Thank you for your support!

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About Meeting Truth

Founded in January 2012, Meeting Truth supports those exploring the truth of being by connecting the nonduality and Advaita community around the world. Our ultimate purpose is to serve the awakening of nondual awareness in those called to awakened living, helping to grow the nondual community into a global movement.

We to work closely with partners in the field of consciousness, awakening and nonduality and, by utilizing an intelligent application of technology and sharing our expertise in this area and the tools that we create with the global nondual community, serve humanity.

We are committed to letting truth be our guide, the truth that looks out from everyone’s eyes, and sees only itself wherever it looks.

The Meeting Truth Platform

Meeting Truth provides the facility for those who help to communicate a nondual message to use as the central application with which to provide, promote and manage their offering to the world.

Whether it's sharing in person at nonduality events, through audio and video downloads or books and Cd's, Meeting Truth can be harnessed to expose your nondual offering to the central portal and also your website and other relevant nonduality websites by utilizing our suite of tools. This ensures that you do not need to invest in your own software development in order to be able to make full use of technology and to reach a wider audience.

The Meeting Truth platform therefore enables you fully utilize an intelligent service that doesn't involve any up-front financial investment, and by standing shoulder-to-shoulder with other nonduality teachers, facilitators, venues and organizations helps you to reach a far wider global audience for your material.

About Us

About Meeting Truth

Founded in January 2012, Meeting Truth supports those exploring the truth of being by connecting the nonduality and Advaita community around the world. Our ultimate purpose is to serve the awakening of nondual awareness in those called to awakened living, helping to grow the nondual community into a global movement.

We to work closely with partners in the field of consciousness, awakening and nonduality and, by utilizing an intelligent application of technology and sharing our expertise in this area and the tools that we create with the global nondual community, serve humanity.

We are committed to letting truth be our guide, the truth that looks out from everyone’s eyes, and sees only itself wherever it looks.

The Meeting Truth Platform

Meeting Truth provides the facility for those who help to communicate a nondual message to use as the central application with which to provide, promote and manage their offering to the world.

Whether it's sharing in person at nonduality events, through audio and video downloads or books and Cd's, Meeting Truth can be harnessed to expose your nondual offering to the central portal and also your website and other relevant nonduality websites by utilizing our suite of tools. This ensures that you do not need to invest in your own software development in order to be able to make full use of technology and to reach a wider audience.

The Meeting Truth platform therefore enables you fully utilize an intelligent service that doesn't involve any up-front financial investment, and by standing shoulder-to-shoulder with other nonduality teachers, facilitators, venues and organizations helps you to reach a far wider global audience for your material.

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