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  • God directed me to a version of myself that is free from bondage,free from pain and suffering
    Sri Ramana Devi
  • Life exists within Itself, for Itself and through Itself. It is only ever interacting with Itself
    Cat Hamilton
  • The untraceable source is fulfilled. I t is All and Nothing at the same time. Beyond of any definition, the silence of your being is resting in itself in unnameable perfection.
  • When we chant we go deeper into ourselves, to our presence, to the now, to the awareness.
  • All spiritual practices are thorns to remove a thorn, and are themselves to be eventually discarded, in order for one who has awakened to ‘move’ into what can only be called nirvana (extinction), nirguna (without qualities), the nothingness of jnana.
    John Grenafege
  • "Once the truth is realised there is no question, no search and no struggle. We are not the separate small selves we have believed ourselves to be. We are infinite awareness expressing itself perfectly through many points"
    Clare Blanchflower
  • Awareness has no position or opinion to defend - like the infinite ocean that contains all of life and judges none of it – while being the essential nature of all of it. You are This.
    David Ellzey
  • “The sages of all times say that to realize the truth we need to return to the innocence of a child! Do you really believe that to become childlike is necessary to study super complex subjects for years in a row?”
  • All remembrance ends in silence.
    Zahir Khan
  • You do not need to learn, realize or achieve anything. Nothing is necessary, you do not have the right to anything, nor is there a goal to get to. There is only You in the Silence of this very moment. In this lies the ultimate fulfilment and this is the source of all Love.
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