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  • The nervous system of a human being is in the brain, but the nervous system of the brain is in the Heart.
    Rajiv Kapur
  • Each and every moment is filled with pure potentiality. These moments are like beads of a rosary strung on the thread of eternal-bliss-consciousness...
    Igor Kufayev
  • Grief is the price we pay for attachment...not love.
    Eric Putkonen
  • If you really want to know that which is your own eternal true natural Self, first show you are worthy of that grace by being silent and refusing to continue being owned by a thought stream of delusion.
    John Grenafege
  • All remembrance ends in silence.
    Zahir Khan
  • First, own the fears which have owned you, second – disown them.
  • Uncaused joy In oneness, when there is a dissolution of the sense of subject and object, when there is no separation between this and that, a natural sense of compassion simply arises. There is a spontaneous response of warmth towards whatever is in the field of awareness. Whatever is appearing, rests back into the singularity from which it springs. In the uncaused joy, a spontaneous sense of compassion arises of its own. ~ Kalyani
    Kalyani Lawry
  • Awakening is an incident, what happens by itself. No one can do it. The only thing to be done is to be always available for. To be available means to be aware. Experience of Self happens when there are no leaves on the tree. It happens when there are no clouds in the sky. It happens when there is no 'I'. Once liberation appears, happiness appears. Once happiness appears, silence appears. Once silence appears, love appears. Once love appears, Self appears. Once Self appears, God appears.
  • Perception doesn't define who we are. But it does define where we are limited, and where we are not yet free.
    Georgi & Bart
  • The frill of a seat cushion moves in the breeze. The chest rises and falls. A wave of emotion moves through the body as it is seen anew - All there is is aliveness.
    Jeannie McGillivray
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