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  • What has your highest value?
    Ananta Kranti
  • Human life is Divine, not only in terms of its potentiality, but because it is a perfect manifestation of all divine impulses of nature, reflected throughout our human physiology as the universe incarnate…
    Igor Kufayev
  • "The evolution of humanity lies in its philosophical realization, which is a journey that requires dedication. It is a misconception that one can listen to philosophical teachings and instantly realize their actuality. Philosophical coaching demands a strong coach-student relationship, detached from mere concepts and emotional dependencies. Many individuals are eager to pay for a rapid transformation, which is reminiscent of a historical act of idol worship, but it is deceptive and unproductive. Genuine learning involves a down to earth and authentic letting go of limited assumptions about existence."
    James David
  • "At ease with what is".
    Brian Theriault
  • The way to bring what we want into being, is to be what we want to bring into being. Embody it, and breathe it into the world.
  • You do not need to learn, realize or achieve anything. Nothing is necessary, you do not have the right to anything, nor is there a goal to get to. There is only You in the Silence of this very moment. In this lies the ultimate fulfilment and this is the source of all Love.
  • The lens of awakened consciousness has the capacity to narrow its focus down to a point, and becoming in the process, an ‘I’ thought, along with the experience of a separate sense of self. Consciousness also has the capacity to open its lens in ever wider increments in order to include more and more of itself, in this way knowing itself as the whole of existence. As consciousness narrows down its perception to a pin-point as it does with the ‘I’, it apparently has the capacity to have the experience of loosing itself there, in believing itself as truly separate; all the while, however, it is as wide as existence itself. Waking itself out of the dream of the ‘I’, once again, it knows itself as the whole, this time also while knowing itself as this separate ‘I’ sense. This is what is called resolving the paradox of duality. And embodiment is the process that ensues.
    Susanne Marie
  • Take your stand at the root of your Being, then you can meet life wherever it's at with an open heart and from the Truth that you really know so well. It's been with you your entire life, the only constant.
    Jeannie McGillivray
  • Awakening has nothing to do with you. It is totally unpersonal,.
    Emilia Hollander
  • The end of all spiritual experiences is simply to be.
    Nick Roach
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