Meeting TruthSupporting the Nonduality community

Online Event Booking

Meeting Truth enables those called to awakened living to explore the events of many contemporary Non-duality, Advaita Vedanta and Direct Path teachers around the world, and to directly book a place on an event.

Meeting Truth makes it easy to organise and advertise an event, book onto an event or invite a teacher to your venue.

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  • If we ask the question: 'Who am I?' - we cannot find any personal identity. We need this wonderful self-referral system so that we can avoid having 'the wool pulled over our eyes' by the dense weave of our thoughts, the 'veil' through which we must eventually see beyond. All there is, is No-thing being Every-thing.
    Mandi Solk
  • We don’t think about our head until it hurts, and we often don’t think about our lives until there is suffering. It is a wake up call.
    John Greer
  • There is no spiritual life. There is just life.
    John David
  • God is always ready, we are unprepared. God is closer to us than close, we are distant to him. God is inside, we're out. God is native to us, we are strangers. (Meister Eckhardt)
  • Let go of any tension against life. Let go of any distance between you and life. Let go of any fixpoint of yourself. Let go of anything you know. What you really are - remains.
    Pratibha & Kareem Krüger
  • We are the same. The only difference between you and me lies in the ever-changing perceived, not the never-changing perceiver. That perceiver is only One. The One that experiences itself as your body-mind is the same One that experiences itself in every other body-mind, form, or appearance that exists.
    Enza Vita
  • This is not known by the mind. This is known through the being of it, which is always already happening.
    Mike Jenkins
  • This Ultimate Liberation in the Radiance is something quite different from the realizations of oneness and enlightenment which most people regard as the final spiritual goal.
  • Even a sense of lack is part of the completeness of this moment. Truly, nothing is missing.
    Jeff Foster
  • In evolutionary spirituality, we strive to awaken never for ourselves alone, but so that the world around us can become enlightened as a direct result of our own efforts.
    Andrew Cohen
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    Meeting Truth is an offering of the Heart; all work is carried out entirely without personal or corporate profit. Any donation you can contribute will go towards the continuous development and up-keep of Meeting Truth and is greatly appreciated; each donation truly makes a difference. Thank you for your support!

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Nonduality and Advaita meetings, satsangs and retreats

Online Event Booking

Meeting Truth enables those called to awakened living to explore the events of many contemporary Non-duality, Advaita Vedanta and Direct Path teachers around the world, and to directly book a place on an event.

Meeting Truth makes it easy to organise and advertise an event, book onto an event or invite a teacher to your venue.

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